The inhabitants of Ushihi Island, a secluded and isolated island, suffer a particular difficulty. They now need the DNA of an outsider to sustain their population because their gene pool has grown so exclusive. The leader of the island asks Seiichi, a disgruntled teacher with a secret talent, to help with this problem.
But Seiichi has a difficult task ahead of him. Women on the island have adapted to giving birth as soon as one week after conception, and they enjoy wooing men and having children. Seiichi is entrusted with impregnating every woman on the island in order to maintain population stability.
Seiichi meets Konomi Tachibana, a lively and attractive island girl who works at a guest house, as he starts his job. Konomi is certain that Seiichi would find her appealing and is ready to carry out her responsibilities as a woman. She is ideal for Seiichi’s work because of her easygoing nature and wish to have at least five children.
Konomi grows more and more enamored with Seiichi during his stay at the guest house, and her conduct becomes more and more unpredictable. Will Konomi’s developing affections for Seiichi make things more difficult, or will he be able to finish his task?
Based on the manga, this series is an original animation produced by the Torudaya studio.