The narrative unfolds within a colosseum where the most formidable warriors from around the globe vie for the top position. At the pinnacle of the pyramid stands a youthful warrior with red hair who, by virtue of her physical prowess and adeptness in wielding a sword, was acknowledged as the most exceptional combatant in the arena. Also positioned at the highest level is the priestess of the realm. Although she retired some years ago as a result of her marriage, she subsequently resumed fighting in order to provide financial assistance for her family. Furthermore, among the other fighters, there exists a dark elf who is engaged in combat to restore the dark elf woodland, which has been devastated by human interventions. Furthermore, this young woman now seeks retribution on the entire human species. At the base of the pyramid lies a feeble individual who, by virtue of the obtained hypnotic powers, has now attained the capacity to withstand all the combatants in the arena, as well as orchestrate sexual performances with female competitors.