The Antechinus studio has declared its plan to create an animated film centering around the concept of mind control. This is the animated adaptation of the doujinshi “Inkou Kyoushi No Saimin Seikatsu Shidouroku doujin,” which consists of three chapters. Currently, it has been indicated that two of them will be animated. The narrative centers around a particular educator who possesses a Death Notebook-like device, which, however, is not employed for the purpose of causing death, but rather to coerce individuals into engaging in deviant actions. The operational mechanism is straightforward: the proprietor is required to transcribe the instructions into a notebook, and the recipient of the instructions must verbally read them directly from the notebook for them to be carried out. The protagonist, following his typical routine as a regular instructor, engages in multiple sexual encounters with female pupils on campus. The initial individuals he will encounter as victims are Megumi Fujinomiya, the revered figure among all males in the school, who has lately begun a romantic relationship with the head of the baseball club, and Yaya Tachibana, the heir to the tea ceremony master in Kyoto. She is a charming young woman dressed in a kimono, known for her refined manners, fluent Kyoto dialect, and a still developing but already modestly sized but attractive genitalia, which captivates all the males in her presence.