Adolescent Naoki Oikawa, aged 16, is afflicted with a masturbation addiction. One day, while indulging in his normal pleasures, his pornographic magazine starts to fluoresce and Naoki abruptly discovers himself immersed in a fantastical realm. He is one of three female adventurers who subsequently assume the identities of Filia Shiora, a swordswoman, Tiane Rutheim, a priestess, and Llusse, an elf. They elucidate to Naoki that the world is at risk of annihilation as a result of the resurgence of the Demon King, and the sole means of preserving it is for him to employ his unique ability—to nourish his semen to the three females in order to greatly enhance their physical might. Indeed, the youthful protagonist consents to become a member of the party, therefore initiating his amorous adventure.