Girlfriend multiplied by female friends – The tranquil existence of Haruomi Shiki on a rural island was abruptly disrupted when a volcanic eruption occurred, resulting in the destruction of his residence. Upon visiting a relative, he encounters the alluring sisters Natsumi, Akina, and Mafuyu Orifushi, whom he is instantly drawn to.
During his visit, he discovers that the patriarch of the Orifushi family has passed away, and that Natsumi succeeded him in inheriting their ice cream enterprise, MinMin. Their district organizes a yearly competition that includes all ice cream shops, and MinMin consistently emerges as the unwinner. However, this year, a recently established ice cream business named 101 has opened a branch in the community, posing a formidable competition that has the potential to surpass MinMin. Moreover, the quality of the ice cream manufactured by MinMin has been noticeably diminished since the passing of its owner. Are they capable of surmounting such a handicap? Undoubtedly, only the passage of time will reveal the outcome, but as Haruomi assists the sisters in managing the ice cream shop and simultaneously indulges his more provocative wants with them, he will find himself occupied in multiple aspects.