“Bonyuu-chan wa Dashitai,” which is an adaptation of the manga of the same title authored by Hitsujimama (Maka Takako). It is scheduled to be released as four distinct OVA episodes between March and April. The storyline centres on Tomomi Sakurazawa, the President of the Student Council. She is intellectually gifted, attractive, and remarkably alluring. She has a confidential information that she meticulously strives to maintain in secrecy. Tomomi is afflicted with hyperlactation syndrome and is required to generate liters of breast milk on a daily basis. The present procedure is highly labor-intensive. Nevertheless, the higher the level of excitement in the heroine, the more effortless and abundantly she produces milk. Eventually, a disillusioned classmate discovers her secret and devises a plan to use this knowledge. The man initiates the preparation of authentic depraved experiments for Tomomi, compelling her to engage in a range of abhorrent activities. Therefore, he fulfills his sexual desires and simultaneously assists the disadvantaged girl in soothing her swollen breasts…