The central character is an ordinary entrepreneur in his late twenties who is unattached to a romantic partner. On a daily basis, he encounters an endearing high school girl on the underground. She possesses a well-defined physique, characterized by impressive hips and a robust build. Had he been able to wed a woman of her caliber…
Given her physical appearance and amiable disposition, she has relinquished her efforts to resist and succumbs to molestation or sexual assault. That is the entirety of her knowledge.
On one occasion, our main character sexually assaulted her on the train. Upon her lack of difficulty, he escorted her to a hotel for sexual intercourse. This would be her inaugural experience of typical sexual intercourse. That was when she discovered the pleasures of sexual intercourse, while he became aware of her compact buttocks and voluminous breasts, her family-oriented and kind demeanor, and her tendency to be unclean.
As they developed romantic feelings for one other, their sexual adventures intensified.