Within this realm, there are malevolent beings known as goblins. They are formidable creatures that employ heinous methods to kill individuals, inflict harm upon women, and breed. The next individual specifically targeted by these goblins was the pious pilgrim Anvil.
Anvil, rendered a captive despite his supplications, was consumed by dread. He remained steadfast in his belief in God and made a firm decision to embrace his inevitable death. However, what lay ahead of him was a more horrifying destiny than death: the sense of humiliation resulting from being defiled. The unsightly goblins swarmed about the pristine female body, their formidable male genitalia gliding on Anvil’s skin and inflicting unwanted joys upon him. Subsequently, without any compassion, they administered their genetic material into his physical form. Upon realizing that he had also been violated, Anvil succumbed to profound despair. Yet, this marked only the initial stage. The commencement of his journey into damnation…