Upon receiving a letter from Mari Setogaya, requesting a meeting in their school’s physical education storage room during the lunch break, Kanzaki presumes that he will be getting a confession of love. He arrives enthusiastically, only to be brutally assaulted by his alleged admirer. Attempting to render him unconscious, the stunning young woman, upon her resounding failure, reveals that she is a vampire and had intended to consume him. Motivated by compassion for her despairing condition, Kanzaki grudgingly acquiesces and permits her to consume his blood.
Indeed, Mari is unable to tolerate the flavor of uncooked blood but will die without the essential nutrients it provides. Kanzaki promptly proposes an alternative bodily fluid for Setogaya to ingest, for which she immediately becomes enamored with the new taste. Shortly after, they begin to meet frequently, and over time, their relationship develops into something beyond the informal “meals” shared.