Arata Asaoka resides with his older brother and his vile, chauvinistic father. Three males living in a house. Arata was a child born out of wedlock. He was seen as a second-class human being, having only a tenuous blood connection to the man who brought him into the world. For years, Arata endured the brutality of his father and brother because he had nowhere else to go. For years, he feigned joy and a smile for the benefit of strangers. He met the girl who gave him hope one day. Koharu Hinomoto was her name. She was a bright spot. Arata felt comfortable about himself and became deeply in love with Koharu. He started to think that things may be better in his life. Arata made the decision to live with her after moving out. They could make it work without any money. Anything was preferable to his current way of life. Arata had a deep-seated belief that he and Koharu might become a loving family. If only he would leave before his vile family destroys everything.