Derived from the game developed by Tinker Bell. Tsutomu’s parents deceased some years ago, with their previous occupation being the operation of a flower business. At present, Mai, the wife of his elder brother, is managing the business and he is residing with them. Given that Tsutomu’s brother is now employed elsewhere, Mai is left unaccompanied, with Tsutomu being her sole source of support, who assists her in managing the flower shop. Given Tsutomu’s brother’s hectic schedule and prolonged absence, Mai is experiencing profound loneliness. Observing this, Tsutomu takes the initiative to provide support and fulfilment to Mai in his brother’s absence. In addition, there is Kozue, Mai’s acquaintance and professional mentor who has since been employed as a part-time employee. Kozue has observed the bond between Tsutomu and Mai, which fills her with envy as she too experiences profound loneliness due to her husband is seldom present at home. Mai empathizes with Kozue and allows her to engage in a romantic relationship with Tsutomu. Now what will occur as these three individuals fully respond to their needs and emotions?