The narrative centers around Morita Takashi, a high school student characterized by a strong desire for sexual pleasure, who aspires to renounce his virginity but is hindered by low popularity among girls. One day, he receives a message suggesting initiating the summoning of a sex monster called a succubus. To evoke her presence, he must abstain from masturbation for a period of 72 days and thereafter perform the enchantment. Takashi diligently adheres to these directions, and thereafter, when he performs the incantation, he effectively conjures the succubus. Notwithstanding his successful conjuring of a sex demon, he was initially taken aback by the revelation that it was indeed his biological mother. Experienced succubus Eri (Erilyn), although unwilling to engage in sexual activity with her son, succumbs to the allure of his appealing hardened penis and delectable bodily fluids, leading her to let him to lose his virginity in her succubus pussy…