Rintarou, harboring suspicions about his wife, Misako, employs an investigator to surreptitiously observe her. The information he obtains from the agency includes an image of Misako engaged in criminal activities. Presumably lacking intelligence, the individual depicted in the photograph is Kuroda. Rintarou publicly criticizes both of them. As a means of reciprocation for their indifference, he demands that they record a sexual video…
Kuroda presents videotape of his sexual intercourse with Rintarou’s wife, as requested by Rintarou. Kuroda instructs Misako to rendezvous with him at a park on a certain day. Proceeding towards the park, she assumes a disguise by donning a blonde wig and sunglasses. Kuroda instructs her to disrobe and inserts a vibrator into her genital area, pressing her against a wooden horse while she licks his penis. The entire process is being observed by Rintarou…