In Alfheim, a realm inhabited exclusively by elves, women are nonexistent. The world Shrine, the origin of the elves’ mystical potency, has begun to diminish and the race was approaching the brink of extinction. Furthermore, there exists a prophesy indicating that one individual from a different realm is fated to become the rescuer of the elven people. The hero was transported to the realm of Elves not long ago…
The elves decreed that their subsistence was contingent upon procreation with the hero. However, a significant number of the remaining elves declined this uncivilized choice, leading to a stratification of the elves into two factions: those who strongly dislike procreation with a man and those who willingly embrace the reality. However, those who have agreed have uncovered a revelation: It transpires that engaging in sexual relations with the hero and absorbing semen into their bodies results in an augmentation of their magical abilities. So they start to suckle him dry…